Extracts declarations of functions, macros, enums, structs and unions from header files.
It is called with a module name, an optional source directory, an optional output directory, and the header files to scan.
It outputs all declarations found to a file named ‘$MODULE-decl.txt’, and the list of decarations to another file ‘$MODULE-decl-list.txt’.
This second list file is typically copied to ‘$MODULE-sections.txt’ and organized into sections ready to output the XML pages.
- gtkdoc.scan.AddSymbolToList(slist, symbol)¶
Adds symbol to list of declaration if not already present.
- Parameters:
slist – The list of symbols.
symbol – The symbol to add to the list.
- gtkdoc.scan.InitScanner(options)¶
Apply options to regexps.
- gtkdoc.scan.ScanHeader(input_file, section_list, decl_list, get_types, seen_headers, options)¶
Scan a header file for doc commants.
Look for doc comments and extract them. Parse each doc comments and the symbol declaration.
- Parameters:
input_file (str) – the header file to scan.
section_list (dict) – a map of section per filename
decl_list (list) – a list of declarations
seen_headers (set) – set to avoid scanning headers twice
- gtkdoc.scan.ScanHeaderContent(input_lines, decl_list, get_types, options)¶
Scan the the given content lines.
- Parameters:
input_lines (list) –
decl_list (list) – symbols declarations
get_types (list) – lst of symbols that have a get_type function
options – commandline options
- Returns:
- a list of symbols found and a set of symbols for which we have a
- Return type:
- gtkdoc.scan.ScanHeaders(source_dir, section_list, decl_list, get_types, seen_headers, options)¶
Scans a directory tree looking for header files.
- Parameters:
source_dir (str) – the directory to scan.
section_list (dict) – map of section to filenames.
seen_headers (set) – set to avoid scanning headers twice
- gtkdoc.scan.SeparateSubSections(slist, doc_comments)¶
Separate the standard macros and functions.
Place them at the end of the current section, in a subsection named ‘Standard’. Do this in a loop to catch objects, enums and flags.
- Parameters:
slist (list) – list of symbols
doc_comments (dict) – comments for each symbol
- Returns:
the section doc xml fomatted as string
- Return type:
- gtkdoc.scan.remove_braced_content(decl)¶
Remove all nested pairs of curly braces.
- Parameters:
decl (str) – the decl
- Returns:
a declaration stripped of braced content
- Return type: